For what we preach is not
ourselves, but Jesus Christ
as Lord, and ourselves as
your servants for Jesus’ sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
The God we give thanks to is Creator, Ruler and Judge - which has big implications for what we give thanks for.
As Jesus, the Sovereign Lord of the universe, commissions his followers to make disciples of all nations, his followers are to be obedient to the mission, knowing his presence goes…
Because Jesus rose from the dead, those who are his followers no longer need to live in fear but can live with joy. But those who are not his followers…
We look at 4 ways in which we fool ourselves about our personal moral intuitions, even when others are hurt by the them.
We can learn 3 truths from the burial of our Lord Jesus. It fulfilled yet another Old Testament prophecy showing God was sovereign even over the burial of his Son.…
Amid great darkness surrounding the Lord Jesus's death, we see 3 bright and glorious events that bring great comfort and a severe warning.
Of the 7 last sayings of the Lord Jesus from the cross, his heart-piercing and soul-wrenching cry, “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?” reminds us of him…
The suffering our Lord endured on the cross calls for 3 responses: (1) Love the cross (2) Live the cross and (3) Proclaim the cross
Jesus stood firm because his good confession before Pontius Pilate that he was the Messiah led to his crucifixion. His example should motivate us to give our all to him…
In a world where power seems to corrupt so often and so many, what does just and righteous leadership look like?