Sunday Worship Time

10:30 AM
Location: Holiday Inn, 1855 Huron Church Road, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9C 2L6
Phone: 226-216-5189

About Us

Grace Bible Church exists to help people love God and love others by bringing the good news concerning Jesus Christ. We believe the truths taught in the Bible are relevant and authoritative for all generations. We also believe that Scriptures when rightly interpreted and applied is sufficient for all issues concerning this present life and the life to come. Please feel free to explore this website. It is our prayer and hope that this site will be of benefit to you.
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What to Expect on a Given Sunday

We are a loving congregation comprised of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Though we are diverse, yet we are united in and through Christ who has graciously brought us together as a Church. Here is a brief description of what goes on during our Sunday worship service.
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Latest Sermons

God is pleased with those who are fully surrendered to him.
Theme: The God Who Is Holy And Who Requires Holiness From His People His People A survey of Leviticus helps us to get the big picture of this often neglected book…

Unity in the Body of Christ

September 29, 2024
A look at what scriptures tell us about how we are to keep unity within the assembly of believers.
This section explains the construction of the Tabernacle, highlighting how God empowered chosen individuals for the task. It climaxes with God's glory filling the Tabernacle, symbolizing his presence among his…
The just God who punishes sin is also full of mercy and compassion. He renewed his promise to be faithfully present with his people as a result of their repentance…
This portion reveals God's holy reaction to the willful sin of his people.
These chapters give the remaining details related to the Tabernacle and the people God gifted to build it, and another reminder for the nation of Israel to keep the Sabbath.…
2 powerful verses that call for total consecration of bodies and minds to God’s will and his ways as a result of tasting his saving mercies.
Counsel that challenges our thirst for riches, deepens our trust in the Lord and furthers our involvement in justice.
These chapters show how the Old Testament priesthood pointed to Jesus, the Ultimate High Priest. We also see the implications of this in the lives of all who follow Jesus.
In these chapters, we see how the tabernacle and the various elements within it point to Jesus. For sermon slides of images and supporting Scriptures, please click here.

Lean In to Wisdom

July 21, 2024
A reminder of why and how we should engage with the wisdom in God’s word.
The God of the Bible, unfailing in his love, not only forgives all our sins but will also remove sin and its terrible effects in the future when he accomplishes…

The Resource of Time

July 7, 2024
An encouragement to be the best possible steward of this precious resource given to us by the Lord - time.

What is the Gospel?

Experiencing Peace with God – 8 Biblical Truths to Embrace

Verse of the Day

And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.