The Lord Jesus enabled Grace Bible Church to be started in 2003. The desire was (and still is) for this church to be a lighthouse that shines the gospel light of Jesus Christ in this community and in other parts of the world through missions. The current Pastor of GBC is Ram Krishnamurthy who has been in leadership since its initial days. Ram Krishnamurthy, an Engineer by Profession, comes from an orthodox Hindu Brahmin (Indian) background. Ram was graciously saved by God through the reading of a Bible placed at his doorstep by an unknown individual while studying in Texas and through the witnessing of a Christian friend (an ex-Hindu convert to Christ) at the same time.
To enhance his biblical knowledge, Ram took Master of Divinity related courses at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, Allen Park, Michigan, USA for a while. However, due to chronic health issues, he withdrew from the program but continues to study on his own to further enhance his biblical knowledge.
Ram is married to Geetha and is blessed with two children, Paul and Preethi. All are believers by God’s grace and serve together. He can be directly contacted at rk2serve@yahoo.com.