For what we preach is not
ourselves, but Jesus Christ
as Lord, and ourselves as
your servants for Jesus’ sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
It is vital for a church to have a model that conforms to the Scriptures for it to be holy and healthy. This sermon deals with Grace Bible Church's Polity [form…
God is pleased with those who are fully surrendered to him.
Theme: The God Who Is Holy And Who Requires Holiness From His People His People A survey of Leviticus helps us to get the big picture of this often neglected book…
A look at what scriptures tell us about how we are to keep unity within the assembly of believers.
This section explains the construction of the Tabernacle, highlighting how God empowered chosen individuals for the task. It climaxes with God's glory filling the Tabernacle, symbolizing his presence among his…
The just God who punishes sin is also full of mercy and compassion. He renewed his promise to be faithfully present with his people as a result of their repentance…
This portion reveals God's holy reaction to the willful sin of his people.
These chapters give the remaining details related to the Tabernacle and the people God gifted to build it, and another reminder for the nation of Israel to keep the Sabbath.…
2 powerful verses that call for total consecration of bodies and minds to God’s will and his ways as a result of tasting his saving mercies.