For what we preach is not
ourselves, but Jesus Christ
as Lord, and ourselves as
your servants for Jesus’ sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
Jesus’s heart goes out to all who in their pain cry out to him for mercy.
In a world touched by sin and sorrow, the Creation, the Christian and the Comforter groan in anticipation of the coming glory when Jesus returns to restore all things. Until…
Instead of promoting their own interests, Jesus’s followers must be focused on serving others - like he did. Failure to pursue such a lifestyle leads to 4 very real and…
The Lord Jesus speaks to a church that allows corruption.
This chapter in its original setting was about Moses calling the people to look back at God's mercies to the nation for 40 years, learn from the lessons he taught…
4 characteristics of God’s love impacts us in 2 practical ways.
God’s promise to be with Jacob in Genesis 28 helps us to understand the message of Immanuel, God with us.
This passage helps us to identify dark techniques of persuasion, to free us from their destructive path.
Through a parable, the Lord Jesus wants us to come to grips with God’s grace, a grace that should strip us of all sense of entitlement, a grace that is…