For what we preach is not
ourselves, but Jesus Christ
as Lord, and ourselves as
your servants for Jesus’ sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
Followers of Jesus should be marked by mercy as they await his glorious return.
The Lord Jesus stresses using our spiritual gifts and resources to serve him and his kingdom as we await his return. When he returns, we will be asked to give…
In this psalm, David shows us two ways through which we must glorify God during trials.
In this passage, the Lord Jesus, through a parable, directly confronts churchgoers with this direct and yet most crucial question whose answer will determine where one ends up for all…
The Lord Jesus, through the means of a parable, lays out 2 ways how one can respond to his return. Each has its eternal consequences. What will we choose?
We aren’t called to be wise stewards of God’s world on our own, for ourselves, but to stand with those in need, especially the neglected and marginalized.
The Lord Jesus calls us to be ready even though no one knows the exact timing of his return. This sermon also briefly discusses the difference between the rapture of…
Jesus assures us that he will return in glory to judge the world and bring complete deliverance to his people.
A look at the faithful church of Philadelphia (and those faithful churches through all time), why this little church is blessed and the blessings that set out for it.