5 Marks of True Confession

December 27, 2020
Psalm 51 which has been called the “gem of all psalms” and the “sinners guide” is one that people have turned to over the ages. In this psalm of David,…

Adopted By God

December 25, 2020
The coming of the Lord Jesus not only secures forgiveness for sins, but it also enables us to be adopted into God’s family. This sermon addresses 4 of the blessings…
Through 3 parables, the Lord Jesus gives 3 spiritual truths to his followers that will enable them to pursue a godly life in the midst of an increasingly hostile environment.…

Know Your Own Heart

November 22, 2020
The Lord Jesus, through a parable often called “The Parable of the Sower” issues a call to examine ourselves to see what kind of a heart we have.  May the…
This sermon addresses 3 basic questions to help a person better understand and apply the parables. And it concludes with 3 practical applications. To view the video service, click here.

2 Warnings From Jesus

October 25, 2020
As Jesus’s enemies once again demand him to prove his identity as God’s Messiah, he, in response not only calls them, “a wicked and adulterous generation” [v. 39] and again…