Jesus poses the same question he posed to the rich young ruler “Eternal life with me or hold on to your earthly riches?” Will our response be different from his?…

Jesus and Children

November 14, 2021
Jesus not only stresses the importance of his followers to be marked by a child-like dependence and trust in God, he also calls parents to do what they can to…
As persecution against Christians is on the rise, this sermon addresses 3 practical ways of obeying God’s command to remember the suffering believers. (1) Through our physical presence (2) Through our…
Jesus’s words in these verses not only helps us see singleness in a positive light, but also helps those who are single to find total satisfaction in that state. To…

The Sadness of Divorce

October 17, 2021
The subject of divorce is not an easy one to discuss. It’s hard because it involves people. And where people are involved, feelings are involved, and often painful feelings! This…

Always Be Thankful

October 10, 2021
God’s will is for his people to be thankful at all times. This sermon addresses (1) The Dangers of a Thankless Heart, (2) The Benefits of a Thankful Heart and…
In a time where marriages are increasingly under attack, this sermon gives 10 biblical principles to help us pursue a healthy marriage. To view the video, click here.

The Sanctity of Marriage

September 26, 2021
In a world that defines marriage contrary to the Scriptures, the Lord Jesus calls his followers to view marriage as defined by God. To view the video, click here.

Joyfully Serving the Lord

September 19, 2021
This sermon not only reminds us of the importance of rendering service to the Lord with a joyful heart, but it also gives 2 truths that will help us to…
Bitterness is the cancer of the soul that destroys the person from within and destroys all relationships. Thankfully, there's a cure for this deadly disease, and it's called "Forgiveness." The…