
September 17, 2023
We look at 4 ways in which we fool ourselves about our personal moral intuitions, even when others are hurt by the them.

A Wise King

August 6, 2023
In a world where power seems to corrupt so often and so many, what does just and righteous leadership look like?


April 23, 2023
Wisdom teaches us to live accountable lives in the grace and power of Christ.

The Mocker

March 19, 2023
The description of the mocker in Proverbs is a cautionary tale not to stray from wisdom.

Wise at the End

February 26, 2023
Encouragement to persevere on the path of wisdom when our plans, relationships, fears and responsibilities threaten to undermine our faith.
Rather than overthrow those in authority, Solomon teaches us to exercise proper rule over our spirit, our family and our work.
We aren’t called to be wise stewards of God’s world on our own, for ourselves, but to stand with those in need, especially the neglected and marginalized.
A look at the faithful church of Philadelphia (and those faithful churches through all time), why this little church is blessed and the blessings that set out for it.