Prosperity and Triumph

February 25, 2024
When we read the promises in Proverbs as rewards to be fully realized in eternity, they reinforce the Christian hope and encourage perseverance.

For God So Loved

December 25, 2023
This Christmas we want you to rest in how high and wide and deep and long is the love of God.


September 17, 2023
We look at 4 ways in which we fool ourselves about our personal moral intuitions, even when others are hurt by the them.

A Wise King

August 6, 2023
In a world where power seems to corrupt so often and so many, what does just and righteous leadership look like?


April 23, 2023
Wisdom teaches us to live accountable lives in the grace and power of Christ.

The Mocker

March 19, 2023
The description of the mocker in Proverbs is a cautionary tale not to stray from wisdom.