Waiting For God

July 4, 2021
It’s been said: “Waiting for God to bring His purposes to pass is the biggest problem we face in our Christian life; there is something within us that would rather…
How integral is faith in the life of a Christian? Does a strong faith indicate receiving whatever we ask? How is prayer related to a life of faith? These and…

Elijah Comes

June 6, 2021
What did Jesus mean when he said Elijah is coming and Elijah has already come? Will Elijah play a role before Jesus returns to earth in the future? Questions like…

Listen to Jesus

May 30, 2021
The promise of future glory should motivate us to obey Jesus’s words to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and keep following him. To view the video, click here.
Just as the cross was a must before glory for the Lord Jesus, the cross comes before glory for all of Jesus’s followers. In this passage, we find one of…
The Church builds is, at a minimum, marked by 3 characteristics. This sermon addresses them and how we should respond in the light of those marks.
What career will I choose? Who will I marry? What should I do to prepare for retirement? While these are all important questions, there’s only one question that matters for…

The Sovereignty of God

April 11, 2021
At a time of uncertainties and challenges, discouragement and anxiety can easily grip our hearts. This sermon not only deals with the fundamental truths about God’s sovereignty (what it is…