The Sanctity of Marriage

September 26, 2021
In a world that defines marriage contrary to the Scriptures, the Lord Jesus calls his followers to view marriage as defined by God. To view the video, click here.

Joyfully Serving the Lord

September 19, 2021
This sermon not only reminds us of the importance of rendering service to the Lord with a joyful heart, but it also gives 2 truths that will help us to…
Bitterness is the cancer of the soul that destroys the person from within and destroys all relationships. Thankfully, there's a cure for this deadly disease, and it's called "Forgiveness." The…

Church Discipline

August 29, 2021
The Lord Jesus commands his people to pursue purity within the church. In these verses, he teaches us what to do when we see a fellow church member living in…
Through a parable, the Lord Jesus teaches us that citizens of God’s kingdom imitate God’s love and care for his people by going after those who wander from the faith.…
In a world that is getting more and more isolated, the Lord Jesus reminds his followers about their responsibilities toward other believers as they live under his rule. In this…

True Greatness

August 8, 2021
In response to the question, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?,” the Lord Jesus explains heaven’s perspective on true greatness. To view the video, click here.

Our Eyes Are On You

July 25, 2021
Two practical lessons for us emerge from the response of Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah as they faced a crisis. To view the video, click here.
8 principles, if pursued continuously, can help any ministry anywhere in the world persevere in maintaining "A God-Honoring Ministry." To view the video, click here.